Ecohume Super is an innovative Biostimulant to boost plant growth, greenery and productivity of various crops. Ecohume Super contains Bioactive Humic Substances enriched with nitrogen from plant sources. Ecohume Super increases population and activity of soil microbes, enhances branching/tillering, nutrient uptake and helps to overcome abiotic stress.
Suitable to improve productivity of a wide range of crops such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, plantation and field crops, turf and lawns, golf courses, indoor and outdoor plants etc.
750 - 1500 ml per hectare
Drenching/Drip irrigation: 2500 ml per hectare.
Ecohume Super applications at vegetative stage and early reproductive growth stage is more effective.
Use along with fertilizers as per regular farmer practice.
Farmers reported significant yield increase in pulses, fruits, vegetables, plantation and ornamental crops
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